Mishnayos Workbooks by Rabbi Binyomin Karman

  • Sample here on Chinuch.org

Cover illustration courtesy of the Chaim and Chaya Baila Wolf Teacher Center of Torah Umesorah, Brooklyn NY Grade Level: Description: Mishnayos Taanis Workbooks are comprehensive workbooks for Elementary and Middle School which include classroom worksheets, homework, and Perakim review. Each Perek begins with the Mishna and English translation and follows with questions discussing the content of the Mishna. After every Mishna there is a review sheet where students can write the English translation to the Mishna on their own, and following every Perek there is a clear, intensive review comprised of questions, fill-ins, and multiple choice questions. In addition, a separate homework section is included at the end of the booklet/s.

Goals/Objectives: Students will be masterfully guided in learning Mishnayos through the questions and worksheets provided. The systematic review and homework will allow students to achieve a firm grasp on the Mishnayos. Students will also gain the necessary skills to analyze a Mishna on their own. These workbooks will direct students to understand the basic components contained in almost every Mishna: the case, the Din, and the explanation. Using these skills, students can go on to analyze other Mishnayos on their own.