Jewish Studies
Limudei Kodesh subjects are always the first classes of the day and last until lunch. Some subjects are studied every day, and some once or twice a week. Our Jewish Studies program partners with the Menachem Foundation and the Jewish Educational Center.
Chumash and Kriah
Our Chumash curriculum is based on the Zekelman Standards, a clear set of benchmarks for student mastery of text-based Torah learning at each grade level. Evach class also uses a workbook from L’havin Ulehaskil to assist in our study.
Each grade learns halachas of day-to-day life, yamim tovim, and special mitzvahs. Older students study Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and eventually the sefer Halachos Vehalichos to deepen their knowledge and understanding
Yedios Klalios
This class is dedicated to making sure students are familiar with and understand a variety of Jewish concepts and history. Our curriculum and workbooks are published by Chayeinu.
Students begin learning the history and structure of the Mishna in 3rd grade and will finish several mesechtos by the time they finish 4th grade. Our class materials are written by expert mechanchim like Rabbi Binyomin Karman.
Students will begin learning about the stories and people in Tanach. In 3rd grade, they will learn begin learning inside. Our oldest students will also make use of the sefer A Journey Through Nach Published by the OU as a comprehensive summary of mefarshim.
Developing good character traits is something we constantly work on. Today, Middos are integrated with SEL. One example is “Project Tomim” published by the Menachem Foundation.
Peirush Hatefilah
In each grade, students will focus on a different section of the daily tefillos. They will master the texts and will learn the deeper meaning behind the words. Our lessons come from the Menachem Foundation’s curriculum archive.
Jewish Values
The energy of Torah values is found in every subject. Every grade will learn Sichas using resources like Maayan Chai. In 4th grade, boys and girls will begin studying Jewish values on a deeper level, using resources like The Chassidishe Aleph Beis by Mushka Heidingsfeld.
Our oldest boys start learning Gemara in 4th grade. We begin with the Hachana L’Gemara curriculum published by Bright Beginnings followed by their workbooks on selected mesechtas.